山下 伶 クインテット(やまーず) Special Guest: Cy Leo & Joyce Cheung (from Hong Kong) ★LIVE CIRCUIT★



Open 18:30/Start 19:30

【 ジャンル 】

【 出演 】
★ 山下伶クインテット(やまーず)
Special Guest: Cy Leo & Joyce Cheung (from Hong Kong)

【 Music Charge 】
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★ 山下伶クインテット
山下伶(Hrm) 持山翔子(P) 小山尚希(B) 山下あすか(Perc) 工藤明(Dr)
Special Guest: Cy Leo(Hrm) Joyce Cheung(P)

◎ 山下 伶
埼玉県春日部市出身。桐朋学園芸術短期大学音楽専攻(フルート)卒業。 卒業後クロマチックハーモニカの音色に魅せられ、日本を代表するク ロマチックハーモニカ奏者の徳永延生氏に師事。2014年 第34回F.I.H. JAPAN ハーモニカ・コンテスト総合グランプリ 受賞。2016年、ビクターエンタテインメントよりアルバム 『Beautiful Breath』でメジャーデビュー。2017年2枚目のメジャー アルバム『Candid Colors』を日本コロムビアよりリリース。 2018年8月 第6回ソウル国際ハーモニカフェスティバルに審査員、ゲ ストプレーヤーとして参加。 2018年、3枚目のメジャーアルバム『Dear Darling』を日本コロムビ アよりリリース。アルバム収録共作曲「晴れのち晴れ」が日本テレビ 系 news every. お天気コーナーテーマソングに採用。ジャズ専門雑誌 JAZZ JAPAN AWARD 2018 制作企画賞 受賞。出身地、埼玉県春日部市に2019年4月開校した春日部南中学校の校 歌、作詞、作曲を担当。 2019年4月4日、テレビ朝日系「じゅん散歩」等、メディア出演も多数。8月12日 第51回サーマージャズ出演、寺井尚子、森口博子と共演。9月7日 テレビ朝日系 「題名のない音楽会」出演。2019年11月27日 4枚目のメジャーアルバム『Eternal Ensembles』を日本コロムビ アよりリリース。

◎ m.s.t.
ピアニスト持山翔子とベーシスト小山尚希のユニット、m.s.t.(Make the Scenery Tune〜景色に音を〜)。2011年本格活動開始。日常の小さな出来事をテーマにしたオリジナル曲たちは、叙景的かつスリリングな展開で観客の共感を得ている。音楽大学出身の二人によるクラシックをベースにした独自のアレンジで、ジャズスタンダードや映画音楽なども演奏。これまでにミニアルバム4枚、フルアルバム2枚をリリース。国際作曲コンペティション(ISC)2015にて、楽曲””Karkinos””(『predawn~景色と連なり~』に収録)がファイナリスト選出。アルバム『緑と風』が Jazz Life DISC GRAND PRIX 2017 ジャズ・アルバム・オブ・ザ・イヤーにて New Star 賞を受賞。スペシャルゲストとして神保彰氏(Drums)や NAOTO 氏(Violin)を迎えてのライブも成功させている。2019年11月にはNewアルバム『Days』をPlaywrightレーベルよりリリース。

◎ 山下あすか
1995.03.22 愛知県名古屋市生まれ 。3歳よりピアノ、10歳より打楽器を始め大学へ進学後、在学中より定期的にイベント、レストラン、ライブハウスなどで年間140本に渡る演奏の他、後進の指導のため学校施設や個人レッスン、ワークショップの講師や、スタジオワーク、ツアー等の活動を開始する。主な著名共演者:梶原順、村上ポンタ秀一、斎藤ノブ、天野清継、岡沢章、櫻井哲夫 、則竹裕之、バカボン鈴木、坂本竜太 、上新功祐、ブラザートム、富永TOMMY弘明、ジャンクフジヤマ、等他多数。現在は7月より東京を拠点にメジャーアーティストや複数の著名ミュージシャンとのセッションライブ、地方でのツアーにも勢力的に活動中。

◎ Cy Leo
Cy Leo is a twenty-five-year-old chromatic harmonica virtuoso, composer, and singer song writer from Hong Kong. Receiving classical harmonica training from Lee Sheung Ching and Watani Yasuo, Leo’s talent in the harmonica has given him widespread international recognition and success.Influenced by his father, PC Ho, founder of the Hong Kong Harmonica Association and the world-renowned King’s Harmonica Quintet, Leo became a consummate performer, winning his first international award as a harmonica soloist at the age of 10 at the Asia-Pacific Harmonica Festival. By the age of nineteen, he had accumulated 17 international titles including Solo World Champion twice at the World Harmonica Festivals of 2009 and 2013.Since his appearance on the world harmonica scene, Leo has appeared as a guest performer and adjudicator at numerous internationally recognized harmonica events including The Seoul International Harmonica Festival and The Asia Pacific International Harmonica Festival. In addition, Leo was invited to compose for the Test Piece Solo Category in the World Harmonica Festival of 2017 where he also served as one of its adjudicators. In 2018, Leo has launched his debut performance ‘Lost In Time’ received an overwhelmingly positive response from the local public, attaining a promising box that reached out to over a thousand paid audience members. It was followed by a successful crowdfunding campaign to support his debut CD production, which has raised over 370K Hong Kong Dollar. The album was later distributed across the world in collaboration with the Universal music.Since his graduation from the Polytechnic University in 2016, he has been touring frequently across the globe. Leo has toured in over 40 cities as a headline harmonica soloist on 7 international cruise lines including the prestigious Seabourn, Oceania and Royal Caribbean cruises. Since 2018, Leo has been invited by the Hong Kong government to perform as Hong Kong representative artist in over 10 cities including Kazakhstan, Bangkok, Singapore, London and ChengDu. One of the highlights of his touring career was to perform at the one of the world biggest music events, the NAMM Show 2018, in California.Closer to home, Leo has collaborated with many A-list local HK artists including Sandy Lam, Lowell Lo, Hacken Lee, Leo Ku and Louis Koo, and has launched and continues to direct the Hong Kong City University harmonica team. Leo has also appeared at two of the biggest music festivals in Hong Kong, including the 32nd Hong Kong Arts Festival and Clockenflap 2016. Widely recognized as one of Hong Kong’s foremost musical talents, Leo’s has appeared frequently on regional media, including the CCTV 1, TVB, Pearl TV, Ming Pao Daily News, South China Morning Post, Hong Kong Economic Journal, Metropop, and the RMM Journal. The rising star has also attracted unprecedented collaboration with commercials brands including Bose, Etro, Initial Fashion, Shell, Fortune Pharmacal etc.Recently in 2019, Leo’s recordings attracted extensive recognition when one of them appeared at a single ,’ Face to Face’, by the well-known Australian singer-songwriter Ruel. He also appeared at numerous movie including ‘This Is Not What I Expected’ starring Takeshi Kaneshiro , ‘Chasing the Dragon’ starring Donnie Yan etc. In Lowell Lo’s concert, ‘Beyond Imagination’ in 2017, at the Hong Kong Coliseum with over ten thousand concert-goers, Lowell acknowledged Leo on stage as ‘the best harmonica player in the world’. He is now the international endorser of the Kepler’s Instrument.
Cy Leo

◎ Joyce Cheung
Joyce Cheung is a pianist, keyboardist, arranger, composer andeducator based in Hong Kong. In 2017, she finished her Masters Degree in Performance at the prestigious music school – Berklee College of Music. During her time in Spain she was awarded the Berklee Entrance Scholarship as well as the opportunity to work and arrange for Victor Mendoza.Since then she has been an active performer in the Hong Kong music scene. She was invited by Cantonese Pop Mr. Chan Fai Young to perform in the “Girls in Tears’ concerts in Hong Kong and Macau. She was also the keyboardist for a prominent Cantonese-Pop singer – Joey Yung’s School Tour in China. In the beginning of 2019 she did a 7-show tour in Europe along with Cy Leo and Khris Nung, performing for the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices in 6 countries.Last summer, Joyce was invited to Prague at the Musicians.Education Festival to perform and conduct masterclasses alongside other worldly renowned artists such as Snarky Puppy Guitarist – Mark Lettieri, Plini, Adam Ben Ezra as well as Jordan Rudesss.As an arranger, Joyce was invited by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council to arrange and compose for the “Belt and Road Summit Forum” Art Program Performance. She has also been arranging and playing piano for Harmonica World Champion – Cy Leo’s newly launched CD (Lost in Time). As an educator, Joyce currently teaches the Jazz Programme at the Education University of Hong Kong.Joyce has showcased her performance and composition talents in China,Indonesia, Taiwan, Singapore,Thailand, Boston, Spain, Germany, Belgium, France and many more. She is currently running her own business at Ritzy Live Music as well as collaborating with different artists for some exciting upcomingprojects.

Joyce Cheung

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